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What Everyone Is Saying
yesterday it was the best night of my life because of raw dance !
Adel , Canberra
me and my friends we had a realy sick night :D
Adel , Canberra
Dieter, Germany
Never seen a bteetr post! ICOCBW
Bubby, bveUTJZzh
G'DAY from The Border - Albury/Wodonga! Heaps better FM station than we have here... even better than what Melbourne have (Nova100, FoxFM etc)
Davie, Albury NSW
jake macro drew a fantastic picture of his mums wedding
jake, great harwood
ive been waiting for a station like this in sydney for ages. You guys need to come here!!!
chris, sydney
This station is so GOOD!.
jaames, Canberra
hello muppets bung
g man, space man
Hey can someone find me a list of that top 20 of 2011 that was on early this morning?