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What Everyone Is Saying
I work at the capital! Loving RAW! Awsome!
Mark, Wagga Wagga
I wish we got better reception in wagga...
Sam, wagga
Make sure when you listen to raw you have it turned right up so EVERYONE! can hear it!
Deathly Sethly, Shepparton, Victoria
Love the station, but change the frequency because a particular German Car beginning with B and ending with W with an M in-between can't get can't go that low. Frustrating!!!!
BMW Owner, Canberra
Fraser Lazor.......
DBeres, Katoomba NSW
Cant wait for raw to come to academy!!!!
Brad, Canberra
where can we get the track list for kaiser and Olsen Fear of Dawn mix ? it was tuff !
RaeRay, wagga wagga
Raw: The Soundtrack to my Life
Lulu, Coffs
when i wake up for school i turn on RAW and dance for 5 minutes!!!!
Merrick, Canberra
Less R N B bullshit and more MUSIC please.