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What Everyone Is Saying
need to get this australia wide on radio, can only listen online :(
salaaad, Mackay
What is that 'know my body' or 'blow my mind' song? It's dubsteppy! I been looking for eva!
Jay, Canberra
can you play scandal- new world order plz
dylan, wagga wagga
... Gives BBC Radio 1 a run for it's money on a Friday night. Milo :-)
Milo, Canberra
gets me up n about on a friday!!! love it!!
jimmy, mmelbourne
Love your station!
Mark, Sydney, NSW
YO! jammin to the beats while getting ready to go see the BATMAN's raining here in Washington DC!
Drew Greeket, Washington DC, USA
The best radio in world! A lesson for São Paulo radios.
Leonardo Nascimento, São Paulo, Brazil
Why is this station not in Newcastle!!?!?!? ..Fine I'll just move to Canberra!
Sam, Newcastle
free cd me