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What Everyone Is Saying
So many banging tracks, love it!
Brandon, Sydney, Australia
Best wishes from Lithuania, Europe. Thank you for good mood ...
tomooolia, EU
Hey! What did you guys JUST play? Kinda reggae house vibe to it - it was on just before Y.U. Mad at about 11:06pm Pacific Standard Time (in B.C., Canada). Shout back! LOVE RAW!!
Alexis, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
raw in wagga - heaven! please continue broadcasting here!
Lisaaaaa, Wagga
RAW FM all day, everyday!!
Je vous adore!!
Frédéric S, Montréal, Québec
triple j is better <3. niggers
messy, canberra
Hello, heard the remix of a song today with pitbull, avicii levels etc in it, just wondering what it was challed. cheers.
Tom , Armidale
RAW FM Fucking Rules!!!
Ryan Edwards, Canberra
Best station out! love it!
Kian Macdonald, Northern Beaches
i want to send my music, tell me how... ;)