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What Everyone Is Saying
i can see that your starting up in Nowra and southern regions but why don't you get a full station up and running in wollongong there is a lot of night life places that will advertise to try get there name out there
mitchell bath , wollongong
Wüus viu zlisli isch... aber töne tuetz eigentli guet
ä be ig, Bärn
turn up volume please
Morgi Röschu, Switzerland
Anthony, sydney
I moved interstate and still listen to RAW on my tunein radio app, still the best station out there
James, Sunshine Coast
could i have the list of the songs raw fm played on the 21st of november between 7.20am and 7.40am. thanks
jeremy, dee why
heard this song before at around 4:00-5:00 and it had this trumpet or horn in it and a guy with a heavy voice talking about drinking can anybody tell me what it is?
Anonymous, Central Coast
who's afraid of 138!?
toni, sydney
who's afraid of 138!?
toni, sydney
FYI your RF power in ACT seems to have gone low, like 25dB uV vs the other radio stations on 40dB uV